Jesus Cucking Christ


Sigma K explains,

Was at the Catholic Church for my father’s funeral. The new art they used is this statue when they refurbished the church a few years ago. This is an almost all white neighborhood North of Detroit. It’s that way because of white flight in the 60s-70s. White’s will never learn.

Looks like we need a funeral for the church.

There’s a psychological undercurrent subtly conveyed by this “artwork”. You’ll notice the chocolate imp is sitting in (presumably) Jesus’ lap, while the White children gather round Jesus almost like they are his apostles. Everyone stares lovingly and tenderly at the black baby. The message is that the African orphan is a charity case through which empathobesic White Christcucks may demonstrate their virtue. It’s Captain Save-a-Fro as Church policy, and you will only ever see this sort of thing in all-White churches. (Black churches have black iconography. Blacks, for all their dysfunction, are unashamed of their race.)