The Childhood Reeducation Camps Are Fully Operational

The person who submitted the photo adds the obvious,

Totalitarians have been using brainwashing techniques to get the masses to believe all sorts of shit, so the fact that second graders know all these definitions is not really surprising.  What is shocking is that they’re being fed this crap in the first place.

The brainwashing is more invidious than at first glance. The public schools are filling the kids’ heads with poz, and shaming the parents for being too stupid or backward to keep up with their own kids’ educational development. The parents then feel pressure to swallow the public school poz loads so they don’t let down their kids or risk ostracism from other parents.


  1. Really Miss Valenti? Second graders are still not able to speak in coherent sentences, do fractions or multiplications, spell, write neatly, or tie their own shoelaces, or at least if our education system is any indication. And you expect them to memorize some bullshit gender formula made up by college students and teachers with nothing better to do.

    And how can I tell it wasn’t the students who wrote that chart? The handwriting is too pristine.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Lesbian: A female queer.
      Gay: A male queer.
      Bi: A male queer who pretends to like ladies sometimes.
      Transgender: The queerest of the queers.
      Cisgender: A made-up, nonsense word that only queers say.
      Straight: Your mommy and daddy.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Lesbian, gay, bi, transgender, cisgender: extreme behaviors that guarantee genetic doom.

        Straight: go outside and play, kids, only degenerates would be approaching you about sex at age 7.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Basically anyone above the second or third grade level of sophistication wouldn’t buy that for a dollar.
    The Brave Fool World of victims is composed entirely of losers and freak that blame the healthy and well adjusted for their problems. Are you Cisnormal? If I shove a feather pillow up yer ass, you might be a duck.

    Keep that in mind.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. >The public schools are filling the kids’ heads with poz,
    > and shaming the parents for being too stupid or backward
    > to keep up with their own kids’ educational development.
    > The parents then feel pressure to swallow the public school
    > poz loads so they don’t let down their kids or risk ostracism
    > from other parents.


    But you do realize this has been going on for 60 years now? First with “integration,” then with “busing.” Same exact game plan.

    Caring parents don’t let their kids anywhere near public schools anymore.

    (PS–sorry in advance if the formatting on quote above is a mess with hard carriage returns in the middle of lines.)


  4. That jessica velenti worm makes my blood boil for a secobd every time I see her name. She is ALWAYS attached to the very nost foul misandry, typifying the false bravado, mind blowing falae entitlement, that skin crawling arrogance and snarky superiority of feminists. There is no woman on Earth more desperate to be slapped, put in her place, and fucked properly.


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