1. Never before in the history of mankind has a race welcomed its own replacement, celebrated its own demise.

    white liberals are so different from us race-realist/ethno-patriots/alt-righters ( or whatever we are called these days ) , they are like an entirely different race or a different species.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is some of the scariest stuff I’ve seen in a while….no “hidden agenda” right? I really wanted this to be a bad joke but after searching a bit through the “mainstream media & magazines” I came to the conclusion that this is only a small part of the big picture. R.I.P. America, you were once great…

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I don’t know, sometimes I think that the media is more of a mirror providing a reflection of ourselves as a society rather then the architect of all the depravity . This is what we wanted, we voted for this over the years. Time magazine had very little to do with our current plight as a nation. If the media had any power, it would have killed the Trump phenom in its infancy.


    1. “If the media had any power, it would have killed the Trump phenom in its infancy.”

      Where have you been in the last year and a half???

      The media tried desperately to do exactly that and is still trying desperately as we speak.

      The fact they failed does not mean they have no power.

      It means Trump is wiser and tougher than what they are used to.

      You know what else the media does? it brainwashes people into believing the media does not have the power to brainwash.

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    2. I don’t know, sometimes I think that banking is more of a mirror providing a reflection of ourselves as a society rather than the architect of all the economic destruction and usurious wage slavery we choose to subject ourselves to. This is what we wanted. This is what we voted for over the years. Global banking had very little to do with our current plight as a nation. If banking had any power, it would have killed the trump phenom in its infancy.

      Those who control the media, i.e., Jews, are indeed the architects of all the depravity.

      If you doubt this, track the ownership of major media over the last 150 years. The progression of the moral rot lags half a decade or so behind every major merger/acquisition by Jews. It’s as perfect a correlation as you could ever expect.

      Now, try the same exercise with academia.

      Try it with law.

      Try it with public schools….

      Want to see it work in hyperdrive? Examine the total takeover of US foreign policy by Zionist Jews during the bush administration and track the almost total destruction of everything it touched — everything that is except…. yup, Israel.

      If you are just an uninformed goy, read a few books that were not assigned to you by one of your professors. If you are a sunsteiner, realize that there is nothing you can do to stop the goylash that is coming to you and yours. Nothing. It was too late ten years ago.

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  4. Here’s an interesting experiment – try to find an advertisement with a teacher, professor, or doctor who is a White male.


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