1. The mouldy green lips and bloodless cheeks made my gut spasm. That’s one way it looks when EMTs or other first responders find a long-dead corpse. Rotting flesh.

    I would hope that small children would have a viscerally negative reaction, but my fear is they’d have that, and their trust, twisted and used against them. Mostly, one notes, by their mothers.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Reblogged this on The Tactical Hermit and commented:
    This is the real face of “Diversity” in a society: PERVERSION and IMMORALITY.

    If I were a parent in this city I would sue that library and everybody involved in this sham for “Corruption of the Morals of a Minor”…yep it’s a law folks and it was written to PROTECT children from POS like this.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This is the real face of “Diversity” in a society; just another liberal euphemism for PERVERSION and IMMORALITY. If I were a parent in this city I would sue that library and everybody involved in this sham for “Corruption of the Morals of a Minor”…yep it’s a law folks and it was written to PROTECT children from POS like this that poison society from the inside out.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Call me old-fashioned on a lot of this … I went to high school/college in the late 70s/early 80s. I had no idea what gays or drag queens were in high school. Slowly came to know, and meet many, in college and after. It was fun to go dancing (disco) in gay bars, not so much to be dissed by the drag queens, but they were colorful … what’s the point of this?

    Uh, there was a whole “lifestyle” thing going there, and it was kind of fun to peak inside as an outsider, or “be let in” by my gay friends. But this whole mainstreaming thing .. or, it’s way beyond that, it’s being forced upon everyone to accept and incorporate on every level, and I think that’s just too much.

    I want everyone to be happy, to have a good quality of life, to have freedom to live how they want, certaintly not to be persecuted for their sexual preferences, etc, etc. That said, no atheist transsexual wants to have an Evangelical tell her, uh, him, uh, it … how to live. So it goes both ways is what I’m saying.

    It’s just too much trying to force everyone to a particular mindset. You know what? If the Christian baker doesn’t want to bake your cake, it’s not a Supreme Court issue! Take your business where it’s wanted.

    It seems pretty simple to me. But we’re in wild times. Oh, and don’t dress up on Halloween as Diana Ross if you’re white. Now if you’re black, white, purple and a drag queen, girl, Ms. Thang, you can be Diana any day of the year!


  5. Tranny libraries destroyed the last shreds of my Gen-x materialist atheism. They look like demons. This is satanic. There is no other way to describe these….people. They are satanic.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Halloween — could be a new post for GAIAP

    Look at the White lady’s face and the people directly behind her. That’s Halloween in Louisiana – black kids not costumed invading White neighborhoods where the kids (young kids not teenagers) still wear costumes.

    Goodbye Halloween.


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