1. The disgusting thing is that the fathers of these girls have been brainwashed to believe that they are not allowed to have a say in the suitors of their daughter. To believe that they have no say in the future legacy of their family lineage.


    1. My God what an insult to everything their fathers are and everything they come from. How embarrassing, shameful and weak of them in their irresponsibility as a parent, their default to provide physical and emotional support.

      Their fathers probably worship negroes and transferred the fetish to their offspring.


      1. Yeah unfortunately there is a % of American dads who sit around worshipping negro NFL stars all Sunday and yep, this becomes acceptable for their daughters. Of course the dads didn’t intend this, and I would not call it a fetish, but more like your Joe six pack avg guy who played football as a kid, and never really got up to anything cool in his life so he lives for lame meaningless shit like NFL or NBA. Take that with the probability that the mother is a ‘career mom’ and the good chance that savages are often bussed into these good schools in many cases and it’s a perfect combo.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. 6 white girls (including the one in front taking the picture), six black guys. White guy must be the limo driver or something.


  3. He’s probably the lone white guy on the basketball team.

    There is always some white kid is obsessed with basketball because his Dad has him in it since he’s 5 that makes the high school team.

    Telling how he has no date. Even beta athletes can’t get laid these days. That used to be part of the gig. You’re on the team you get laid. Barring religious or mental disorders, you throw some ball through some hoop or to some other person, your cock got sucked no questions asked.


  4. “Race has no place in American life or law…We have succeeded in persuading many districts to desegregate voluntarily.(and with bayoneted rifles to their backs) “- JFK.


  5. Disgusting, trashy white girls. So vile. This is what young American white women are nowdays.

    There was another picture of 7 white women with their black dates at a prom in Norfolk, Virginia.
    The Daily Mail UK has an article about the 7 mudsharks also titled “Every white girl’s father’s worst nightmare: High School students walk out over white assistant principal’s shocking retweet poking fun at interracial couples” on November 19, 2014.

    Two examples of why more and more white American men are marrying foreign women nowdays. So pathetic. What self respecting white man wants these trash?

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The faces of these girls all say to me: I am verily happy as I am in the presence of the coolest guys possible. There is nothing their fathers could do to stop this. The culture has determined that black guys are cool Girls do what is cool. Game Over. Good Night.


  7. Make that one and a half white girls, excluding the nonspecific camera tripod, McG.
    Really, you foreigners do have the most extraordinary misconceptions. Any old wog qualifies, as long as they aren’t actually swinging through the vines.
    (btw the blond lad looks specifically English, as opposed to [generic Euro-muzhik]. Old East-coast money?)


  8. No, on reconsideration, make that zero white girls. Hispanic or Mediterranean types. All very fine, in their own vaguely hirsute way, but decidedly foreign. Hadn’t factored in the ludicrous efforts these no doubt excellent girls make to appear as someone that they can never be. I wish they wouldn’t, it’s slightly .. ahem.. patronising.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. This is foul. To top it off these females will most likely become single mom’s and expect the white men they shunned to man up and raise another man’s kid. . So white guys go to college and get no sex or kids and encur debt just so they can be plan b for these whores. These women are nasty. . Oddly, these white girls are quite hot and yet they prefer little black thugs to white men. . Hypergamous, alpha lays, beta pays. Oh wait. More and more betas are not paying and couldn’t due to the economy. I loath single mom’s. The arrogance of thinking a man was put on earth to be their second choice. Not even worth one date, not worth spreading her legs yet he is good enough to bust his ass for 60 hours a week to pay for her black thug baby. F that noise


    1. Those girls don’t look hot to me. Run-of-the-mill skinny chicks with too much make-up and phony smiles. They actually have a bovine deadness in their eyes. I’m not picky but I wouldn’t give them a second glance even if they WEREN’T bending over in front of a bunch of jungle thugs.
      FFS, the one in the front is missing her upper lip!


    2. Amen brother! It never ceases to amaze me that these females think they can go out and endulge every filthy urge that hits their little minds and somehow, someway there is going to be some white man to ride to the rescue and give them the house in the burbs with the picket fence and four car garage and an unlimited credit line to use as they please while they lounge about all day with no expectation of giving anything in return except nasty attitude and out and open loathing of the poor white bastard who pays the bills. These girls have been told over and over by their mothers and other females that all white men live to worship at their temple of the holy vagina and will give them anything and everything in order to do so. I wonder what will happen 10 – 20 years from now when these little tramps are living in welfare apartments with half black children by multiple men and Mr White Knight In Shining Armor doesnt show up. I can pretty much guarantee their reaction will be to blame “white men” for not recognizing what a prize she is and for failing to provide for her highness the way they were supposed to…after all thats the way it always happened in the movies. Who knows something like that could morph into a movement to strip all white men of their money and property to provide reparations to these women and all others who white men have oppressed down through time.


  10. btw…it’s probably just a group photo.though there are many sloots around, still the majority of them who date these semians are not this cute. Maybe 1 in 10 could be cute….the 9 are chubby, or have cankles or acne or other unsightly features.


  11. I’ve seen the future. . These women will be living in trailers with half black babies and bitching that the good men are taken. They will say where are the good men. . . I’ve met this type of woman. They are pathetic. Met a white girl with two black kids and a Hispanic kid. All different dad’s. . She lived at home and worked a part time job, had no college and drove a beater. . I’m sure the dad’s are proud. Use more emasculated white men. Dad’s don’t have the balls to stop this and society has labeled white men as God for marriage, but thug pieces of shit are good for fucking. Alpha lays, beta pays. Can’t wait to see the look on these sluts faces when they find they can’t get a good man to marry them. . Priceless. . It’s the only way they can learn. Refuse marriage. Hold to your standards


  12. I sort of had a stereotype about the kind of girls that go for black guys, and I’m impressed that none of these girls fit it.


  13. I think this is a photoshopped image. Those girls are cute, but none of the nogs are touching any of them, which leads me to believe this isn’t a legit photo. It is hard to tell because some of those nogs are as dark as night, but there appears to be some shadowing on the faces of the nogs on the right that isn’t visible on the faces of the girls, which leads me to believe two different photos were combined here. Also, look at how dark the ground is around where the feet of the nogs is visible versus the color of the ground where the girls are standing.


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