1. You’d think the first thing the authorities would do is make sure the parents aren’t sexually abusing this kid. No kid does this without severe trauma. But no, the first thing is to celebrate him and protect any and all of his right. 1984 was not harsh enough and far too generous. Perhaps it serves as a how not to.. guide for these cretins. Make the masses like their servitude and complete enslavery.

    Screw every adult in this story that didn’t speak out to his parents or standup for his school in what they were trying to do. Screw every lawyers, reporter, zombie that perpetuates this soul sucking foolishness on our kids and country.

    I’m starting to believe that while rightist rebellions and the order they bring for a time never last, perhaps their real purpose is to clean up some of the filth permanently, if to only breathe deeply for a day.


  2. Spends all his life helping blacks and then gets shouted on/fucked over by the nignogs when he decides to become president:

    In a way, this picture is a good representation of the state of America today.


    1. Another picture:

      (I would place them all together in one post but then the comment gets eaten up at times.)


      1. Ambush courtesy of Hillary Clinton’s Negro Rent-a-mob. No shortage of black people with complaints that can’t ever be satisfied.
        But to be fair, Bernie represents Vermont and from what I hear the nigger quotient there is quite low, so let’s forgive him for not knowing how to react when thugs give him the bum’s rush and start waving their arms and yelling in his face.


      2. Ambush courtesy of Hillary Clinton’s Negro Rent-a-mob. No shortage of black people with complaints that can’t ever be satisfied.
        But to be fair, Bernie represents Vermont and from what I hear the negro quotient there is quite low, so let’s forgive him for not knowing how to react when thugs give him the bum’s rush and start waving their arms and yelling in his face.


  3. 100 gowns?? High heels? You guys realize someone had to buy that for shim. You can’t tell me he hasn’t been passed around at his uncles’ “parties”. Wait until he is 14 and microwaving cats. The stretching of the gay acceptance window has swung so far out that now the pedos can run amok with almost impunity. A 16 year old that runs to boarding school to “find himself” is one thing. A 7 year old with fashion week in his closet is being used for all manner of foul play, but we can’t even think about saying anything negative, much less actually saving a child.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Proper parenting, of course, means telling even our DAUGHTERS that they cannot wear heels when they are 7 or 10 or 14 years old. The only purpose of heels is to make a woman look sexy; a child younger than 18 is not a sex object. I know firsthand, because I have two daughters, that they want to wear heels; no child wants anything unless they have been exposed to it, and our daughters see the sexualization of girls (the inappropriate kind) every minute — the 16 year olds made up like prostitutes, and wearing heels, on the Disney channel.

      So if this kid has 100 pairs of heels, that’s some adults’ fault. My beautiful daughters have zero pairs of heels. Once my former sister in law (a brainwashed sheeple) bought them some, and I threw them in the trash.

      The left is the enemy of reason and truth, on every single issue.


      1. ” The only purpose of heels is to make a woman look sexy; a child younger than 18 is not a sex object.”

        A “child” younger than 18 is not a child. You are retarded. 17 year olds aren’t children.


  4. I wish you would show the recent news photograph of the black protester in St. Louis surrounded by a bunch of white trulls – with their hands up – as he is being arrested.


    1. Im really not worried about these protests. The white goobers that enable them eventual will feel reality and blacks as a group are the worst at organizing or fighting collectively of any people on the planet. Heck I think if the cuffs came off and the government looked away a combined force of native Americans could subjugate the entire 40 million of them.


  5. Heck, when big bad white people stop protecting them a couple thousand illegals literally evict them from whole towns. If the money dried up and police went away, what would they eat. Where would they go? They think that Santa will just brings dem stuff when they need it like always. Eventually they will try to go into white areas and be in for a rude awakening. Trust me.

    This country is not just gentrified parts of foppish cities. They will literally starve or be shot if they cannot simply leave the country first.

    All our policies are secretly based on avoiding the wrath of these people if left to their own devices, but I firmly believe they are the ones being protected by these layers of bs.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. THE WHO
    “I’m A Boy”

    One girl was called Jean Marie
    Another little girl was Felicity
    Another little girl was Sally Joy
    The other was me, and I’m a boy

    My name is Bill, and I’m a head case
    They practice making up on my face
    Yeah, I feel lucky if I get trousers to wear
    Spend evenings taking hairpins from my hair

    I’m a boy, I’m a boy
    But my ma won’t admit it
    I’m a boy, I’m a boy
    But if I say I am, I get it

    Put your frock on, Jean Marie
    Plait your hair, Felicity
    Paint your nails, little Sally Joy
    Put this wig on, little boy


    Wanna play cricket on the green
    Ride my bike across the street
    Cut myself and see my blood
    Wanna come home all covered in mud



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