1. I took a second look, and I bet you’re right. I’d even put money down that she would be an 8.5 minimum if she were never fat. What a waste.


    2. That describes every young fattie. They almost all have potential. Youth has an own attractiveness until you severely fuck it up.

      Fatties in their 20s are like those guys that are naturally good at math/science and ace tests without studying but get hardcore into drugs and work min wage or not at all for the rest of their lives.


  1. I learned to understand the burden of obesity when I was moving into an apartment many years ago. I was struggling up the stairs carrying a heavy box and it occurred to me that this is the normal condition for a fatass.

    Also some years ago we went on a nice trails walk, mostly flat, with another couple in which the wife was fat. I noticed with pity for the fit husband that they could not keep our normal pace and eventually were unable to finish the walk.


  2. What is more disgusting? This fat bitch waddling around in delusion of high SMV, or the legion of thirsty SIMPs willing to fuck her?


      1. “Or, those dudes here who are just as hideous looking as she is?” says the thirsty SIMP willing to fuck her and bitches like her ilk.


      2. I’m worth my weight in gold. My beauty is unmatched whilst your gonads were unhatched.


  3. “Or, those dudes here who are just as hideous looking as she is?” says the thirsty SIMP willing to fuck her and bitches like her ilk.”

    Nope, just pointing out the observable fact that the dudes here look like her.


      1. You know, you are right. The better word is “unmistakable”. It is unmistakable that the dudes here look like her.


  4. Tellingly, she’s most proud of her skinny ankles. She should be. They carry an immense burden.

    Imagine if she twisted her ankle… and fell down…


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