1. AHHHH!!! You know at some point I would just shrug and say screw them. Let them rot in filth and then die miserably. It’s not my problem?! But these freaks have kids, vote, ruin neighborhoods, etc.

    How did we get to a point where these dregs dictate the world as is to the productive and righteous??

    Liked by 1 person

  2. And in another post, Atlanta Man was gloating, “The black guys will be with the skinny attractive white girls that don’t want you CH butt boys.” In your face negro, in your stupid monkey face.


    1. Technically he’s correct, although “the skinny attractive white girls that don’t want you CH butt boys” is a very small subset of ‘all white girls that don’t want and/or can’t get CH butt boys’, a much larger proportion of which contains such exemplary specimens as the one depicted above.


  3. Is that Steve Urkel and yokozuna Akebono in bed together?

    I bet she could fit a turducken in her twat, if her beau’s cousins go full New Guinea-style cannibalistic on that ass when the EBT stops.


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